Can you guess the viral video made me think “Today is the day!” for this one? If not, check out the link at the bottom.
Smiling is magical for 2 reasons:
#1 – Smiling makes you happier
Studies show when you smile you are actually more resilient to stress, even when giving a forced smile, though the more genuine the smile, the more beneficial the effects.
#2 – Smiling is contagious
Other studies show the brain’s automatic reflex when we see a smiling face is to smile back. It takes work for the brain NOT to smile at a happy person.
Often I have a good backup happy thoughts for when times are tough like sporks and kazoos, Muir Woods and lately the F group A Mighty Girl.
What always makes you smile?
I dare you to spread some contagious smiles today!
Plus, that viral video I mentioned, you’ve got to check it out. Nothing like a little kid helping put smiles on people’s faces either.