The Best Week of the Year


Veterinary Technician Appreciation Week is my favorite week of the year.

It’s like valentine’s day; I work to make the vet techs I work with feel loved all year, BUT having a time set aside for making them feel extra special turns my heart on like a lightbulb.

Without my veterinary technicians, I would never be home. I refuse to compromise on client communication and care. Fortunately, with the dedication, ability, and love our technicians Kate, Megan, Vicki, Alix, & Hannah; our amazing receptionists, Pam, Pam, Danah, and Bev; and our practice manager Jen, show to our patients, I know when my patients and clients are going to get the very best.

Vet techs get the dirty jobs, the hard jobs, and sometimes scratches and bruises in weird places. They are the ones who snuggle your pet as they recover from surgery, or hold their paw as they quietly pass away. They are our unsung heroes.

Thank your veterinary technicians this week. Even better, write them a note or give them some small token of your appreciation. On a hard, heartbreaking day, sometimes holding even a photo of a pet you’ve helped in hand pushes you through.

To vet techs everywhere – thank you. Your everyday devotion is saving lives and changing the world.

About the author

Vet Changes World

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